How to Make Your 2020 Intentions More Simple & Powerful


I've got a simple technique to share today that will support you to stay focused on what you want to manifest this year, so that all of the noise and busyness of life doesn't override your desires.

It is so easy to do that even my kids love it!

I recommend choosing one word to stand as the theme of your year.

When you do this you bring great clarity and focus to your creative endeavours. It also helps you quickly decide what to say 'yes' or 'no' to, because you will know if it lines up with your focus.

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.”
- Leonardo Da Vinci

So how do you go about just choosing one theme word for the year? 

  1. Review your goals for the year.
  2. Ask yourself who you need to become to achieve these goals and write down any key descriptive words.
  3. Pick one word that motivates and inspires you - that is your word of the year.

Once you've chosen your word, commit to it by telling people who support you to live in your full potential.

You can also leave reminders for yourself by writing it in your diary, writing it on paper and setting it as a screensaver on your phone or computer, writing it in red lipstick on the mirror, creating art with it... the possibilities are endless when you get creative. 

Keep shining!


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