The Practice of Appreciation

In those times when there is tension in my marriage or my relationship with my kids, my #1 go to practice is appreciation. 


Often I can’t get there instantly, I usually need to...

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How to use your intuition to make big decisions

Do you ever wonder what life might be like if you'd made different decisions at key points in your life? I do!

It can feel a little scary if you have a big decision to make where there could...

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What to do if you are feeling stuck or uninspired...

If you are feeling stuck or uninspired at the moment, I just want you to know that going though lulls in creativity from time to time is totally normal and OK.

It definitely isn't...

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How to be Abundant


Living an abundant, prosperous life is a life lived as it should be. 

When we operate from an abundant space, we have so much more to share with others and we are living in harmony with...

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How to Make Your 2020 Intentions More Simple & Powerful


I've got a simple technique to share today that will support you to stay focused on what you want to manifest this year, so that all of the noise and busyness of life doesn't override...

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Don't Set Your New Year's Resolution Until You've Done This One Simple Thing...


As you make your New Years resolutions and set intentions into motion for the future, make sure you take a moment to pause and celebrate the achievements, connections and manifestations you've...

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How to notice the signs that your desires are manifesting


You have a desire you want to manifest.

You write your intentions under the new moon and visualise your dreams coming into reality in meditation.

And then you wait.

But nothing happens and you...

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‘I don’t know what I want’ – How to become clear on your desires to amp up your manifesting powers! 

If you want to create your life by design, you may know that clarity is key when it comes to consciously manifesting.

But what if you don’t know what you want to attract?

I’ve had a...

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